Personal Line of Credit

Personal Line of Credit

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A Personal Line of Credit gives you more money in your pocket for whatever you need, when you need it.  Borrow or draw the exact amount of money you need and we will transfer the cash directly to your Midland checking account. This flexible loan option allows you to borrow up to $30,000.  If you have questions about a Personal Line of Credit, please call one of our loan officers at 515-645-9334 today!  If you are ready to apply for a Personal Line of Credit, please click the “Apply Now” button below.

For more details, call a loan officer at 515-645-9334 or

*$30,000 max loan amount. Rates, terms, and conditions subject to change and may vary based on qualifications, including creditworthiness.  All loans subject to approval. Not all borrowers will qualify for the same rate. Other restrictions may apply. See credit union for full details.  Minimum payment based off the balance of line, each month or a minimum payment of $25/mo. OD Transfer fee of $5 does apply per transaction. Federally insured by the NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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