Auto Loans Center

Auto Loans Center

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Unlock the Road to Your New (or Used) Vehicle with Our Auto Loans

Welcome to our Credit Union, serving members across Iowa. If you’re dreaming of a new or used vehicle, our competitive auto loans are designed with you in mind, featuring flexible terms, and a range of member-centric benefits to put you in the driver’s seat, fast.

Why Choose
Midland Credit Union for

Your Auto Loan?

Embark on your next adventure with confidence. Apply for an auto loan today, and let’s turn your car buying journey into a reality. 

Your journey begins here, with us – where members always come first.

Save money by refinancing your auto loan from another!

Your next vehicle is just a click away, begin SHOPPING NOW.

Get pre-approved before you start shopping or purchase your next auto!

For low rates and payments, apply to get pre-approved for a loan today. Apply in person or online before you start shopping, and you’ll have everything you need for an easy and affordable car buying experience.

For more details, call a loan officer at 515-645-9334 or

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